Saturday, September 24, 2005

Mountain Trip

Today, we finally got to ride Cherahala Parkway. It runs east and west through the Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. We got on where it begins at Telico Plains, TN and road to Robinsville, NC.

It was beautiful!!!! The highest elevation was 5,390 feet. It was clear and cool.

Our friends, Tony and Sue Richey, who pastor in Knoxville, met us at Telico Plains for the ride.

It was a full day; 9 AM to 6 PM.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Memphis Trip

This week I spent time in three libraries in Memphis. It was great to be able to explore. I found a few good references.

I had a convenient place to stay. This morning I went with Alethea, Justin and Camdyn to the zoo before driving back home.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Family Picture

This picture was taken a couple of years ago. It includes my brother Jimmy (sitting), my sister Darlene Harris, nephew Ryan Landers, sister Shirley Landers, brother-in-law Thurman Harris (standing left to right). I love this photo. It was taken at my mother and father's house when we were gathered to get it ready to sell after Dad died. For me it is one of those rare group shots that captures well the character of each pereson.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I have changed the web address for my family blog. If you have marked it as a favorite you will need to change to this new site.

I recently scanned the attached picture of my dad taken when he was in his twenties. I miss him and mom every day.

Some people think I look like Dad. Camdyn is apparently one of them. Alethea has a picture of Dad at her house. (Granted one taken when he was older.) Camdyn saw it and started calling for her papa.