Cheryl attended an ecumenical gathering in New York with the Pope last Friday. It was by invitation only and there were about 250 non-Catholics there (mostly church leaders). It was quite an honor to be invited; she is not certain who put her name on the list.
The following is a shot of Cardinal Keeler, a friend of Cheryl's who may have put her on the list. [No one ever accused Cheryl of being a great photographer or driver.]
Another shot of the Pope follows. I call this one an example of Cherylesque post-modern expressionism. Notice this close-up of the Pope begs for viewer interpretation of the woman's excitement about being in the presence of the Pontif, an excitement that can only be fully appreciated by meditating on her back as she swoons in his presence. We are challenged to enter into the moment by imagining the excitement we would have felt if we were there. If you can't close your eyes and see the Pope in this picture you are no doubt caught in modernity. You might need to just buy a post card or find an old episode of the Smurfs.