Saturday, May 10, 2008

No Pictures

OK. I haven't put any pictures on this page in quite a while. I haven't put much of anything, but of course you already know that. Cheryl and I have been busy in every area of our lives.

1. New Covenant has required some extra attention throughout the spring as we addressed a variety of unplanned situations. We have been doing a Sunday morning series "From Easter to Pentecost."

2. I made a trip to Kentucky for the Appalachian Ministries Educational Resource Center (AMERC) Board of Directors meeting (I have been on the Board for over a decade).

3. Taxes

4. Preparations for international travel: I'm going to Jamaica in a few weeks. Cheryl and I are going to India for three weeks in June. Both trips are ministry related and include speaking at college graduations.

5. Cheryl went today for her nephew Josh's graduation from Emmanuel College.

6. I drove last night to Savannah to join my siblings and their families in celebrating my brother's (Jimmy) and sister's (Darlene) birthdays (60 and 50 respectively). It was a lot of fun, but I had to leave to return home too early.

7. It is grading season for the seminary. We had a three-day faculty retreat last Sunday through Tuesday.

One final note: When I got home this evening I had a phone message that I had received an award at the annual Evangelical Press Association meeting (third place in the Biblical Exposition category for my article in the Evangel last year on "Water Baptism"). I did not even know my article had been nominated, much less who paid off the judges.


Derek Knoke said...

Congratulations on the award with your article. You and Dr. Cheryl seem to have many anonymous advocates. And by the way, your interpretation of the Pope's back far exceeded any of the quaint appraisals I might have encountered in "Art Appreciation."

I pray the summer goes well with all the travel and ministry.

. said...

Personally, I would enjoy seeing more Pope pictures, complete with captions.