Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Sad Day

Today I had the difficult task of euthanizing and burying Aaron, momma’s horse. He was almost 30 years old. A few weeks before she died Momma told Dad she wanted Karisa to have Aaron. So he spent his last eight years with us. He did well until about three years ago when he became boney and sway-backed.

Every day when I went out to feed the horses I thought about Dad and Mom. Aaron was a living connection with them. He belonged to Momma, but Dad took care of him. Dad often said, “That’s a good horse.” Dad and Aaron seemed to have mutual respect; they were a lot alike. Dad was always bigger than life, tall, strong and square-shouldered. Aaron was handsome; before his decline he loved to run with his head and tail high. Both projected self-assurance. Both were strong-willed. Both were gentle. Both embodied the essence of dignity and humility.

The last time I visited Dad before he broke his hip he had a cow that needed to be euthanized. We had worked with it off-and-on throughout the day before concluding it had to be “put down.” Dad was suffering terribly with his knees so I offered to do the job. He replied, “No son, she’s my cow and my responsibility.” I went to get the rifle for him and stood by his side as he pulled the trigger. I feel like he was standing by me today.

Aaron on Mom & Dad's farm.

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