Sunday, November 30, 2008

Free Our Church of God Women to Serve

I invite all members and friends of the Church of God to join a group on Facebook. The name of the group is Free Our Church of God Women to Serve. The group description reads as follows:

This group exists to encourage the removal of restrictions that prevent women from serving in some ministry offices in the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee).

By joining this group you publicly affirm the following statement: "I have studied the role of women in the church as presented in the Scriptures and I have concluded there is no Biblical justification for restricting women from full participation in any office or rank of ministry within the Church of God."

You also affirm that you are a member or friend of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee). Upon joining this group, if you are a current member of the Church of God, please indicate your local church membership.

I started this group last Wednesday morning and it is growing rapidly. In a few days, look for posts on Jackie Speaks that will clarify why I started the group and what I hope will be accomplished.

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